Continental progress report on Agenda 2063

This document is a progress report on Agenda 2063 seven asperations

Publication date:
02 September 2022

During the Country Review Mission, the team, led by the Lead Panelist for South Africa at the
APR Panel of Eminent Persons, Bishop Dinis Sengulane met with national, provincial and local
government as well as civil society and private sector representatives. During the Mission, the
Review Team also held working sessions on good governance practices with the Deputy Speaker
of the National Assembly, Hon. S.L Tsenoli, MP who was accompanied by MPs from the National
Assembly, a meeting with the deputy Judge President of the Gauteng High Court, Hon Roland
Sullivan and members of the national executive including the Deputy Minister at the Department
of Public Service and Administration, Hon. Dr Chana Pilane-Majake.

Continental progress report on Agenda 2063
Continental progress report on Agenda 2063



APRM Publications

Language: English


Further information

Last update

24/05/2023, 17:01